Hello Ladybird Parents, after a very busy week, we have quickly reached Friday again.
This week we have carried out lots of work around our story 'nine ducks nine'.
We have learnt lots about where ducks live and used our water tray as our duck pond.
This has helped us lots with our work on Floating and Sinking and we have looked at lots of things in our class to see what would happen when we put them in our water tray.
We are getting really good at 'predicting' what might happen and using lots of vocabulary to help us.
We have put a sponge, a lolly stick, a piece of white paper, a piece of crepe paper a piece of cotton wool and a feather.
This has helped us to make a display to help us with our learning and we have put photos on to help us to remember what we have done.
With your child see which of their bath toys float and which ones sink.
In Reception Phonics this week we have learnt the sounds x, y , z, zz and qu.
We have also learnt the tricky word he.
In Year One Phonics this week we have been recapping on our phase 4 tricky words and have carried on writing our cvcc and ccvc words. The children have become very confident in listening out for every sound not just the initial and end sound.
In PE this week we have been using the benches. We have thinking about how we can travel and how we can land when we come to the end of the bench, on the landing zone.
Here are some pictures from this week:
Beth shows April a superb landing on the landing zone
Cameron chose to walk sideways along the bench.
Lily hopped along the bench.
Maya carefully along the bench.
The children loved investigating in the water tray
using the words 'floating and sinking'
Mrs Reeder enjoed a story with Sayaki, Saksha and Eysan.
The children all had their own lollystick to put in the water.
They could then decide whether it would float or sink.
What do you think will happen to the Lollystick?
On Thursday we enjoyed a whole day talking about castles, ready for the Year One trip to Norwich Castle on Friday. We looked at different types of castles, named some of the parts of a castle, looked inside a castle and talked about the different shapes and different places they were built. The children especially liked the castles built with a moat, river or beach around them.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday morning.