We have been looking at lots of animals in the jungle and have had lots of fun learning about them.
No matter how scary we thought they might be we have spent the week using drama to go into the jungle and become the animal. We have used freeze frames (human photographs) and hot seating a jungle expert to find out more about the animals.
Along with all of this we have coloured and made these animals on the creative table and even made jungle animal sock puppets. We have made sure that we know that these animals are different from the farm animals we looked at last week.
In PE this week we carried on with our work on apparatus and worked on our body shapes as we were on the benches and then thought about our body shapes as we landed. We used the landing zones to land safely and made sure that we bent our knees.
In Reception phonics this week we have been looking at Phase 3 tricky words: me, be, we, he and she. We also went on a tricky word hunt around the room, we were very good at finding them and then reading them out. We have also looked at the sounds sh, ch, th, and ng. We have read words using these sounds and had a go at listening to what they sound like when they are in a word. On Thursday we used all of these sounds and played a game to see if we could spot which sound fitted which word.
In Year One Phonics this week we have been looking at cvcc, ccvc and ccvcc words. We are now confident in reading them and writing them, along with spotting the sounds that are difficult to hear when we are writing them.
In Numeracy this week we have been looking at 1 more and 1 less. We helped Miss Brind along the jungle path and made sure that she was able to reach the end by giving her numbers that were one more. We discovered that we could use the word 'more' and 'less' with other numbers in Numeracy and not just by using 1 more, but could say what number was more than another number.
For example:
10 is more than 3
3 is more than 2
7 is more than 5
We can do the same for less
For example:
5 is less than 6
3 is less than 10
5 is less than 7
Have a go at using the words more and less at home:
Can you find a number that is more than 2?
Can you find a number that is less than 10?
Here are a few of the other things we have done this week:
We had a visitor from a jungle expert.
Kaydee-Louise made lots of jungle animals
Beth found the letters to make her best friend 'Sonny's' name
Eysan found the letters to make her name
Cameron found the letters to make his name
Ivan made the word bear
Jade found the letters to make her name
Angus wrote 'run'
Caleb found the letters for his name
We hope that you have a fantastic weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday for our RECEPTION phase 3 phonics lesson on Monday at 9oclock.