Friday, 1 March 2013

Growing- Flowers

Welcome back Ladybird Mums and Dads.
I hope you had a restful week off, the children have certainly been busy over the holidays and told us what they have been doing.
It seems to have been another busy week in Ladybird class this week too.
The children are certainly coming along with their phonics and have begun writing phase 2 tricky words this week. The children are becoming more confident in reading the phase 3 tricky words too.

In Numeracy this week we have started to count in 5's. Using your fingers and toes, see if the children can show you how they count in 5's.
The children have also been learning about capacity this week and have been using the language of 'Full' 'Half Full' and 'Empty'.
Jake told the class is was 'when your tummy was full at lunch time because you have eaten too much food'
Riley told the class 'your tummy is empty when you're hungry'

On our creative table this week we have had observational drawing, painting flowers, using our finger tips to paint flowers, water colour flowers, tissue paper flowers and play dough flowers.
The children are really working hard at looking at the flowers on the table and copying the colours to make their flowers similar.

In PE this week the children have been practising their balancing. The children used these skills to go onto the apparatus, balance and then jump from the apparatus onto the landing zones.

Here are a few of the other things we have been up to this week:

Victoria made 'ear' using the sound tiles.

Harvey made a flower using the Pattern shapes

Denni-Mia made a flower from the play dough

Callum and Zak both enjoyed creating different patterns using the pattern shapes.
I wonder which pattern they might chose next time?

Please can I remind you that 'Parent's evening' is next Tuesday 5th March and I still have available slots for you to come and have a chat with me about your child's progress.

See you on Monday morning. Have a wonderful weekend.

Ladybird class