We hope that you are all well and enjoying a little bit of the sun that we have been having. It definitely makes a change from all that snow.
In Numeracy this week we have been learning all about shapes, the children have remembered lots of information about the flat shapes (2D) and how many sides that they all have. This week we have been learning some of the names of the solid shapes (3D) shapes and learning information about them: cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, sphere, prism.
The children are eager to find these shapes about the classroom. See which shapes you have in your house. If you have your camera handy bring a picture into class and we can put it up on our shape display.
In Phonics this week we have been revisiting the sounds in Phase 3. We have already looked at ai, oi, oa, ow and revisited some of the tricky words too. The children are eager to write these sounds and find words that they can use in their writing with these sounds in.
In PE we have been learning about balancing and have used lots of new apparatus to show off our skills.
Here we are climbing sensibly onto the apparatus, balancing and in some cases jumping from them too:
As we are learning about babies, growing and ourselves, we had another visit this week from baby Archie to find out how much he has grown. Did you know he is now 6 months old?
The children asked Miss Young lots of questions about what Archie eats now and what kinds of things he can do.
Here are a few of the other things we have been doing this week in Ladybird class:
Harvey created a run for the marbles to run down.
Gabrielle drew a picture of all her family.
Lenny ordered numbers 1-30 on the washing line.
The children labelled Mrs Whittaker's body parts with sticky labels.
Thank You very much for everybody's kind donations towards Red Nose Day today. The children look fab.
Here they are in their Wacky clothes:
Can I just thank you very much for all those Mummy's that came to our special mother's day story time and hope you had a lovely day last Sunday.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to another busy week next week.
Ladybird class