In Ladybird class this week we have been thinking about Birthdays.
Today is Sam's 5th Birthday. Sam is our class puppet and all week we have kept it secret that we will be holding a party for him today. On Tuesday we practised lots of party games that we can play. We have written invitations to each other and have even made him lots of birthday cards. We have been practising singing 'Happy Birthday' but have had to keep it secret so he doesn't hear us. The children have also practised making birthday cakes and put lots of candles in the cake too.
This afternoon we will surprise Sam, sing Happy Birthday, play party games and eat party food as a treat too. Sam is a very lucky puppet.
This week we have also been thinking about Easter. We have made lots of pictures for our Easter display and have designed a very special bunny basket that we will be bringing home next week (with a few surprises in).
Our 3D shape display has been finished so we can carry on naming all of the 3D shapes that we were naming last week. Here is a picture of the display in our classroom:
This week in Phonics we have revisited some of our Phase 3 sounds. We are working really hard at thinking of words with these sounds in and then writing them down on our whiteboards. So far we have found words with the sounds igh, ow and ar.
We can also write Phase 2 tricky words and recognise most of the Phase 3 tricky words.
In Numeracy this week we have been solving lots of number problems. This has been good for us when we have been thinking about Sam's party this afternoon.
We have solved problems such as:
If Miss Brind, Mrs Whittaker and Miss Wright all have a plate at the party, how many plates will we need?
The children are all getting very good at solving these problems so know that there should be 3 plates.
We can then use our knowledge of adding by asking:
How many plates would we need if Mrs Freeman came to the party as well?
So 3+1=4
Try using these word problems at home when laying the table for dinner or sharing out snacks at home. See if your child can work out the problem for 'taking away' too.
Here are a few of the other things that we have been doing this week:
Denni cut out and made a birthday cake for
Sam's birthday.
Jessica found the sounds to make the word 'fox'
in the water tray.
Callum found the sounds to make the word 'mummy'
in the water tray.
Our Sunflower seed has started to grow into a
small plant. All we need is some more sun
to make it grow big and strong.
Zak, Jake, Jayden and Onur enjoyed
having a tea party in practise for our birthday party.
Haven't we been busy?
Don't forget that it is Science week next week and your competition entries need to be in on Monday 25th March.
Just a reminder, the competition is to design an invention for you to use at home or for your child's class teacher to use to make life a little easier.
Also you are invited to come into school on Wednesday morning to have a look at what your child has been doing in Science week, so when you come in in the morning you are welcome to stay and have a look at the experiments that your child has been doing and have a look at our science week pictures.
We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.
Ladybird class