Welcome back Ladybirds.
After 2 weeks holiday and all the Easter celebrations we are eager to get back into a routine and start the Summer term. With Spring finally here, the weather seems to be getting a little better.
This week we are learning about snails, as part of our half term on minibeasts.
The children have been quite excited about this topic as it means lots of exploring and using tools to investigate in the school grounds.
The children have learnt lots of facts about snails and have enjoyed carrying out much of their artwork on the shape of the snail. We have used glitter, paint and chalk to make spiral shapes, as well as colouring in new designs for a snail's shell.
We have also looked at the work of Henri Matisse and recreated his Art work of "The Snail" using ripped/cut pieces of paper to make a shell design
Have a look at our Matisse display the next time you are in the classroom to see our wonderful ideas on Matisse.
In Phonics this week we have been working on cvcc words. These are words such as lamp, went, damp. We have been working hard to read them and write them as well. We have found that when we write them we sometimes forget to write the 3rd sound, so 'went' might look like 'wet'. This is a common thing for your child to be doing, but if you would like to practise this skill at home then here are some words that you could use: belt, hand, tent, land, sent, help, sing.
In Numeracy this week we have been looking at tally charts. This was helpful when we went on our minibeast hunt in the sensory garden.
Here are a few pictures of other activities that we have been doing:
Riley made a design for a snail shell out of pattern blocks.
Rubie matched the Numicon '4' with the 4 beanbag.
Jayden made a snail from Play Doh.
Callum, Jake, Jack, Zak, and Jayden shared a book in the book
corner. It looked very interesting. They are working as a
very good team, sharing their ideas.
Ladybird class found lots of minibeasts in the sensory garden.
Can you see what this minibeast is?
Look how much our sunflower has grown.
With lots of sun and plenty of water, it wont
be long until we see a beautiful sunflower head
on top.
We hope that you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to more exploring next week.
Don't forget to visit us on Monday morning and look at our celebration books.
We are sure that you will be proud of all the wonderful things that we can now do.
Ladybird Class