What a busy week we have had.
This week we have been learning about winter. We have read winter stories, learnt about animals that sleep during the winter (we have learnt the word hibernation) and we have talked about the weather this time of year.
The children are now confident in choosing clothes to go out to play and know that some clothes aren't correct for this type of year.
"You wouldn't wear your swimming costume in this weather" (Lily)
We have also looked at snowy weather (which luckily we don't have yet) and have been using words to describe the weather.
We have watched Raymond Briggs' 'The Snowman'. We were all very good at guessing what would happen at the end of the story, although we were quite sad that the Snowman wasn't there to see him in the morning.
In Reception Phonics this week we have learnt 4 new sounds. We have learnt b, h, f and l.
We have also learnt some tricky words. These words have letters in them that you cannot sound out easily. e.g. I, go, the, to.
Have a go this weekend to see if you can spot any of these tricky words out and about or even in your house. How many times did you find the word 'the'?
In year one Phonics we have been looking at the sound air. We read words with air in them and also wrote them on our whiteboards.
This week Miss Brind has taught us by giving us a choice. We have to listen to the word that we are going to be using and choose either 'ai' or 'oi'. We were so good at this task this week. Miss Brind has said that we can do it often to see if we can hear the difference between sounds and not just being able to write one sound
Our Christmas play rehearsals have started and we are learning lots of new songs. Yesterday your child brought home a slip of paper to tell you what your child will need to wear for the Christmas play. Please make sure your child's costume is in a named carrier bag and is on your child's peg by Friday 6th December.
We hope that you have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday. Please come into school on Monday morning to see your child's celebration/magical moments book.