This week we have been learning about Naughty Goldilocks.
We have read lots of different versions of the story and have also read 'Beware of the bears' which is a fun follow on story from Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have really enjoyed the story and have also been talking about some of things we can learn about Goldilocks' behaviour.
In Numeracy this week we have ordering size, looking at water and capacity and using the words FULL, HALF FULL and EMPTY.
The children have enjoyed using the water tray and also filling cups up with rice and cous cous to help them use these words.
In our warm ups and our focus work we have been doing lots of counting.
Over half term ask your child to help count the knives and forks at dinner time. Maybe when you are out shopping your child can help you count the different tins/ wrappers or containers in the trolley.
In Reception Phonics this week the children have been learning to blend and segment sounds ready for after half term, when we will learn a sound a day.
Thank you to those Reception parents who came to our Phonics roadshows. It was nice to see so much support. If you missed the roadshow and you would like to have a chat about your child's phonics and the way we teach phonics, then please come and have a chat with Miss Brind.
In Year One Phonics we have looked at the sound 'oa' and how we can use it in words. We have also looked at Phase 2 and Phase 3 Tricky words. If you have any spare time over half term then please practise these Tricky Words at home.
In PE this week we have worked on 'Space' and the children are really getting used to moving around the room without bumping into each other and walking next to each other.
The children even moved around the room whilst listening to an 'Autumn' song making sure that they used the hands and feet on the floor as a guide.
Here are a few of the other things we have been doing this week:
Cameron and Charlie became superheroes whilst they
were playing outside.
Look how good their costumes look.
Lily and Megan enjoyed reading
the 'Goldilocks and the Three bears' big book.
Riley made a fantastic pattern on his
playdough people.
Alexandria is really trying hard to sound out cvc words.
She did this one all on her own.
I hope that you have a great half term holiday. Have a nice rest and we will see you all on Monday 4th November.
Ladybird Class