Thursday, 19 December 2013

Merry Christmas Everybody

Hello Ladybird parents.
What a Festive period it has been. We have been busy at school over the last couple of weeks celebrating Christmas. We have learnt lots of songs to sing in our Christmas play and also to share with the other classes at the church. We have performed our Christmas play to our Mummies and Daddies and we really did do a good job. Miss Brind was very proud of us. 

We have made our festive Christmas cards and calendars, Had so much fun at our Christmas party and even had a class present for Father Christmas. We have shared cards, read Christmas stories and enjoyed ourselves ready to celebrate Christmas next week. We have also had a pantomime visit our class, with a fun story and lots of jokes to make us laugh.

Here are some pictures from this week's party:

 Father Christmas came to visit us with a huge
sack of presents for Ladybird class.
 We loved opening the presents from father Christmas.
 Father Christmas told us all about his sleigh and his reindeer.
 Father Christmas waved us 'Goodbye'.
We can't wait until Christmas Eve.
 Maya helped open some of the presents.
 We are so lucky to have all of these presents.
 Having fun at the Christmas Party.
Yummy yum yum. Party food is very tasty.
We are all looking forward to next week. We hope everybody has a lovely holiday and we will see you in January.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Friday, 29 November 2013


Has it been a week already?
What a busy week we have had.

This week we have been learning about winter. We have read winter stories, learnt about animals that sleep during the winter (we have learnt the word hibernation) and we have talked about the weather this time of year.
The children are now confident in choosing clothes to go out to play and know that some clothes aren't correct for this type of year.

"You wouldn't wear your swimming costume in this weather" (Lily)
We have also looked at snowy weather (which luckily we don't have yet) and have been using words to describe the weather.

We have watched Raymond Briggs' 'The Snowman'. We were all very good at guessing what would happen at the end of the story, although we were quite sad that the Snowman wasn't there to see him in the morning.

In Reception Phonics this week we have learnt 4 new sounds. We have learnt b, h, f and l.
We have also learnt some tricky words. These words have letters in them that you cannot sound out easily. e.g. I, go, the, to.
Have a go this weekend to see if you can spot any of these tricky words out and about or even in your house. How many times did you find the word 'the'?

In year one Phonics we have been looking at the sound air. We read words with air in them and also wrote them on our whiteboards.
This week Miss Brind has taught us by giving us a choice. We have to listen to the word that we are going to be using and choose either 'ai' or 'oi'. We were so good at this task this week. Miss Brind has said that we can do it often to see if we can  hear the difference between sounds and not just being able to write one sound

Our Christmas play rehearsals have started and we are learning lots of new songs. Yesterday your child brought home a slip of paper to tell you what your child will need to wear for the Christmas play. Please make sure your child's costume is in a named carrier bag and is on your child's peg by Friday 6th December.

We hope that you have a great weekend and we'll see you on Monday. Please come into school on Monday morning to see your child's celebration/magical moments book.


Friday, 22 November 2013

Book Week

Hi Ladybird parents.
This week we have been celebrating book week. We have read lots and lots of books and given our opinions on which ones were our favourites. We would like to thank all the adults who joined us for our story time today. What a wonderful turn out- the most we have ever had and it meant so much to us that you came and supported your child. It was also lovely to see so many well behaved little brothers and sisters who enjoyed it so much too.

Our main book this week was Mrs Rainbow- as you can probably guess there were lots of mentions about colour in the story. Mrs Rainbow lived in a very colourful house, so this week we have been learning lots about houses and thinking about the types of homes we live in. See if your child can recognise the type of house that you live in e.g. flat, terraced house, bungalow.
The children have all seen pictures of different houses but see if you can spot them on your way to town this weekend or even when you are in the car.

This week we have been really lucky as we have had the book fair in school and we had a visit from the storyteller. We also had a visit from the dental nurse as well to talk to us about our teeth.

In Reception phonics this week we have learnt 4 new sounds g,o,c, and k. See if your child can remember the actions for all 12 sounds we have learnt so far.

In Year One we have been looking at sounds that have got 3 letters. e.g. igh and ear. These seem to be the hardest to learn as there are more letters to remember. See if your child can find igh or ear sounds when you are in the super market. They may be able to find 'igh' on packaging such as the word 'light' or in the clothes section on the front of 'tights'.
Remember if your children brings in any work from home then it can be used in their magical moment or celebration books and your child will get a reward too.

Here are a few of the other fun things we have been doing this week in Ladybird's Class:

This photo could be award winning in a competition.
April is looking for mini-beasts in the sensory garden.

Ladybirds were challenged to order themselves in a team
using numbers 0-10.
The children took under 30 seconds to get themselves
in the right order.
 Angus has designed a beautiful pattern for
Mrs Rainbow's house.
 Megan wrote 0 all on her own after our Numeracy
carpet session.
 The storyteller read us lots of stories and taught us some
finger rhymes too.

Our classroom was happily crowded this morning
when we shared a whole class story time  with our grown-ups.
 Katie has written a number sentence all by herself.

We hope that you have a lovely weekend and look forward to some new learning, wonderful challenges and super exploring in school next week.


Friday, 15 November 2013

Anna's amazing multicoloured glasses!

Hello Ladybird parents.
We hope that you have had a good week.

A huge thank you to all the parents that came to parent's evening last night. It was great to speak to everyone and to find out how much our children are enjoying learning at school.

This week in Phonics, Reception children have learnt some more sounds, we have learnt  i,n,m,d.
The children have been spying on the sound box and can't wait to tell the adults what sound is written on the outside of the box.
In Year One we have been working on our Tricky words and have used the sounds or, ar, ee, ow and oo.
The children have been working really hard and can now use these sounds when reading sentences.

This week we have been learning about a famous Artist who used primary colours and straight lines.
His name was Piet Mondrian. We had a look at his work and we had a go at making our own.
Next time you are in the classroom have a look at our work.

File:Mondrian Composition II in Red, Blue, and Yellow.jpg

Today we have come to school in our pyjamas. This is to raise money for children in need.
The money that we collect will 'make a real difference to the lives of children all across the UK. '
For more information please follow the link for the Children in need website. Children in need

In PE this week we have been thinking about colours and we used our school parachute to help us work as a team and guide the ball around the parachute. We also used our listening skills and played a game following instructions to the coloured cones, it was fun.

This week we read Anna's amazing multi-coloured glasses, which helped us to learn about colours, lights, shadows and patterns. We have also designed our own glasses and worked together as a class to write what we could see through our own glasses.

Here are a few of the other fantastic things we have been doing this week:

Klaudia used the green paper to make the light turn green.
 Kyle used the purple paper to make the light turn purple.
Katie made her own glasses.
Beth made own glasses
James made his own glasses
We raised over £30 in Ladybirds class for Children in need.

Well Done everybody and have a lovely weekend.

Friday, 8 November 2013

Remember Remember the 5th November...........

Photo: Fireworks during a village feast

Hello Ladybird parents!

After a lovely week off the children have come back to school ready to learn and what a week we have had.
Firstly the children have noticed how much the weather has changed and how they need to have their warm coats, scarves, hats and gloves on. The children have also noticed how many leaves there are on the field and how the grass is now turning into mud, this means that the children are wearing their wellies a lot to investigate on the field.

In Reception phonics this week we have started to learn a sound a day. This week we have learnt both the sound and action for s,a,t and p. We have also been using these sounds in words and listening out for them when we are looking at objects from our sound box.

In Year 1 phonics this week we have been looking at igh, oa, ai, ch, sh, oo, ure and ee and have been using the sounds in our phonics writing along with listening out for the sounds in words.
With sounds like ch and sh, we have been noticing the difference and saying which sound is in which word.

Why not play this at home with your child. Can they hear the difference in these words? rich, shop, ship, chip, much.

In PE this week we used some firework sounds and dancing scarves to help our bodies to become fireworks. We 'whizzed' around the room making long and short shapes, tall and wide shapes and put on a class firework display to Mrs Whittaker. She loved it.

Here are some pictures of our firework display:

This week we have talked lots about fireworks and fireworks safety, we have learnt about Guy Fawkes, we have made our own firework rules, made bonfire pictures, glitter fireworks and made rockets to display in our classroom.

In Numeracy this week we have been learning about 1 more and 1 less. The children have worked really hard and some of our children were extended to look at a number square and choose any number to 100 and tell an adult what would be 1 more or 1 less from that number.

This picture was taken of Andrejs who was pretending to be a teacher in our classroom
on Wednesday and he was reading the story to his friends.
We hope that you have had a great week like we have. We have learnt lots this week and remember if your child has a 'wow' moment at home we would love to hear about it and it can be recorded in their celebration or magical moment book too.
See you on Monday

Friday, 25 October 2013

Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Hi Ladybird parents and welcome back to our blog.

This week we have been learning about Naughty Goldilocks.
We have read lots of different versions of the story and have also read 'Beware of the bears' which is a fun follow on story from Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have really enjoyed the story and have also been talking about some of things we can learn about Goldilocks' behaviour.

In Numeracy this week we have ordering size, looking at water and capacity and using the words FULL, HALF FULL and EMPTY.
The children have enjoyed using the water tray and also filling cups up with rice and cous cous to help them use these words.

In our warm ups and our focus work we have been doing lots of counting.
Over half term ask your child to help count the knives and forks at dinner time. Maybe when you are out shopping your child can help you count the different tins/ wrappers or containers in the trolley.

In Reception Phonics this week the children have been learning to blend and segment sounds ready for after half term, when we will learn a sound a day.
Thank you to those Reception parents who came to our Phonics roadshows. It was nice to see so much support. If you missed the roadshow and you would like to have a chat about your child's phonics and the way we teach phonics, then please come and have a chat with Miss Brind.

In Year One Phonics we have looked at the sound 'oa' and how we can use it in words. We have also looked at Phase 2 and Phase 3 Tricky words. If you have any spare time over half term then please practise these Tricky Words at home.

In PE this week we have worked on 'Space' and the children are really getting used to moving around the room without bumping into each other and walking next to each other.
The children even moved around the room whilst listening to an 'Autumn' song making sure that they used the hands and feet on the floor as a guide.

Here are a few of the other things we have been doing this week:

Cameron and Charlie became superheroes whilst they
were playing outside.
Look how good their costumes look.
Lily and Megan enjoyed reading
the 'Goldilocks and the Three bears' big book.
 Riley made a fantastic pattern on his
playdough people.
Alexandria is really trying hard to sound out cvc words.
She did this one all on her own.

I hope that you have a great half term holiday. Have a nice rest and we will see you all on Monday 4th November.

Ladybird Class

Friday, 18 October 2013

Welcome to our blog

Hello and welcome to our blog page for Ladybird class 2013/2014.
We have all settled in very well to our new class and have discovered that we are all good learners. We are learning to be good listeners, good talkers and play well with our friends.
There are 3 adults in our classroom who work with us everyday and they are Miss Brind, Mrs Whittaker and Miss Gowing, along with lots of other adults who come into our classroom to help us with our learning.

This week we have been learning through the story 'The little red hen'.
We have talked about working as a team, we made bread and we have acted out the story as well as thinking about farm animals. Our Year One children have also written about the Little Red hen, helped to write a shopping list and worked hard on our Phonics this week.

In Numeracy we have been looking at 'balancing'. We used the balancing scales to see which of the things in the classroom were the same weight and also used words such as 'heavier' and 'lighter'.
We have also looked at recognising numbers to 20 and lots of our children (Reception and Year One) can recognise numbers above 20 and beyond.

In PE this week we have been thinking about space around us, keeping safe, winning and losing and taking turns. Our final game on Tuesday was a colour game and it meant that there could only be one winner. Every child in our class was so sensible when it meant that they didn't win, there were lots of smiles and lots of happy faces. Well done Andrejs for winning the game and Well done Ladybirds for being so grown up.

Here are a few of the other things that we have been doing this week:

We had fun making bread.
 Alexandria used the stilts to help her balance.
 Caleb invented a game using the cones.
 Connor also played the 'Cone' game.
 Saksha and Sayaki built themselves a 'den'.
 Angus has been working hard spelling cvc words.

We hope that you have a good weekend. Just a reminder that you are invited to our Phonics session on Monday 21st October at 2:30 in the hall to help your child with their Phonics.

Ladybird Class

Friday, 21 June 2013


Hi ladybird parents.
We hope you have had a good week!
This week we have been learning about 'Space',- always a popular topic.
The children  have really enjoyed talking about space and have given some good ideas about what they think it would be like to go to space.
In our class this week we have learnt about the moon, the moon landings, we have even travelled to the moon and tried to imagine what it would be like to walk on the moon.
The children are beginning to understand about the word: gravity and how it helps us in everyday life.
We have made flying saucers, designed space pictures, made split pin aliens, designed chalk pictures of space and painted different planets.
The children have made space crafts and vehicles to ride on the moon and have enjoyed designing their own aliens.
We have talked lots this week about whether or not we believe in aliens and whether or not the children think they exist or not. The children have been really open minded and have had fun thinking about how many extra arms, legs and eyes an alien would have.
Here are a few of our other special moments this week: 
Chelsie made some moon rock shapes.
Jessica ordered numbers on the playground.
Denni-Mia made a 'space pattern'.
Jack made a space craft.
Riley made a space village.
Rubie found letters for her name.
Onur and Jayden worked as a team and made a space village.
Jake spent ages working on his space rocket.

This is what Zak thinks an alien might look like.
This week we have also be working hard on our sports day practise.
Today you will receive a letter telling you which team your child will be in on sports day.
This will either be Red, Blue, Green or Yellow team.
If your child has an item of clothing in that colour then they can wear it on the day if they would like. If not, ordinary PE kit is absolutely fine.
This week in Phonics we have been writing words that have a hidden sound in them. This includes ccvc and cvcc words. The children have worked hard and are now learning to say the word slowly so that they can hear all the sounds, ready to write them.
We hope that you have a good weekend and if you have 5 minutes spare have a go at imagining with your child that you are walking on the moon.
We tried it in our classroom and it was a lot of fun.

See you on Monday.