Friday, 20 November 2015

The ladybirds have had a very busy week!

This week have been looking at 'addition' in maths and have created some fantastic number sentences, in phonics we have learned the letters 'G - O and K/C' which has helped us to blend together some new and challenging words which can be practiced at home!

We've also been looking at both old and new toys and different countries from around the world which has given us some brilliant things to create!

Below is a photograph of the Diwali candle holders that we have hand crafted! Well done Cassie!


On Friday we looked at Mexico and Mexican culture; wish we really enjoyed!
Here are a few photographs of our talented Mariachis Band.

Ryley playing a powerful trumpet solo!
Lucas providing some harmony to the group.
Ladybirds entertaining the class.

Aneta Playing the concertina.

Another week of laughter and learning in the Ladybird's classroom!

Friday, 9 October 2015

In ladybird class we have been learning about the gingerbread man. 
We have really enjoyed re telling the story, and acting it out.
On Friday we even made gingerbread men with miss Young,We decorated
them and ate them up just like the fox.
We have made repeating patterns using the characters from the gingerbread man

We have started to listen out for all the sounds we can hear in words, it would be great if they could practice this at home for example "can you get me a C-U-P", If you have any questions please see Mrs Freeman or Miss Young.

We have also been looking at shapes, At the start of the week we found naming shapes really tricky
but now most of us can name the square, triangle, circle and rectangle.

We have started having toast time with the children on a Friday
afternoon, this gives the children time to talk about their weekend
or anything else they may wish to discuss, If you have any objections
please speak to one of the class teachers. We reward the children who
have been spotted for doing good things by giving out small bags of
sweets at the end of the week, again if you have any objections please
talk to the class teachers, thank you
Mr Kemp and Rebecca doing a shape activity.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Welcome to the new Ladybirds

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to our class blog. If you check it out on a Friday you will be able to see what we have been up to! It will be updated every week looking forward to seeing you here.

Ladybird Class.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Welcome to Ladybird blog!

Hello and welcome to our blog!
This is where we publish what has been happening during the week and you can log on and see pictures of your child working and exploring in the classroom and during their outside learning.
We encourage all parents to log on every Friday on their laptops, pcs and smartphones to view what has been happening in Ladybird Class. The children get very excited about adding things to the blog and they will often say.....'can this picture/can this fact go on the blog'.

We hope that you enjoy our posts and we look forward to counting up how many views we have had every week.


Mrs Doggett, Mrs Ball and Miss Mason along with Ladybird Class

Friday, 23 May 2014

Our Bee Story

This week we have chosen to write a story all about a bee and put it on our blog.
Our story is called: The Three little bees.

Once upon a time there were were three little bees. One was a big bee, the other was a medium sized bee and the 3rd one was only a tiny baby bee.
They were out flying one day when suddenly one of the bees got stuck in a goalpost. It was the big one. He got stuck in the goal post because he was so big he didn't notice that the hole was too small. The medium sized bee and the tiny baby bee tried to pull him out by his knees. He was too heavy and they were too small. Big bee and medium sized bee shouted "help, please, our Daddy bee is stuck and we can't get him out" Lucy bee was out flying and heard the shouting. She went to help and said "wait a minute, I'll help you" She held onto medium sized bee and baby bee who were pulling big bee and they pulled and they pulled and they pulled. He didn't move. Lucy bee went to find some of the 'hive' workers to help her get big bee out. The hive workers were busy protecting their hive, but when they heard that the big bee was stuck they flew quickly to rescue him. 10 hive workers tried to pull daddy bee out and he moved a little bit but he was still stuck. Lucy bee went to find Queen Elsa Bee and asked her if she could help to get daddy bee out of the goalpost. She said 'yes of course I wil but I will have to bring my husband the king his name is Wenda'
Lucy Bee, Queen Elsa and King Wenda went to rescue daddy bee. They pulled and pulled and pulled. Medium sized bee pulled, baby bee pulled, Lucy bee pulled, the 10 hive workers pulled, Queen Elsa pulled, King Wenda pulled but they couldn't get him out.
So then Lucy bee went to find, hulk the frog, the Manfly, Anna the baby bee and veena the princess.
They all helped to pull Daddy bee out of the goalpost. They pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and finally he POPPED out of the goalpost. 'Hurrah' Said Daddy bee I can fly around and find some nectar now. I need to make more honey.
"Thank you everyone for your help"
Daddy bee, Medium sized bee, baby bee, Lucy bee, the 10 hive workers, Queen Elsa, King Wenda, Mr Manfly, Hulk the frog, and princess Veena all cheered and shouted.

The End

Friday, 2 May 2014

Ladybird week

I am delighted this week to talk about our week on Ladybirds.
The children have been very excited about learning about Ladybirds and have been keen to learn about the mini beast that their class is named after.
We have also had a few changes this week especially for Year One. The Year One children no longer have to be dropped off in the classroom. Their parent/carer drops them off in the playground so that they get an extra playtime and another chance to see their Year One and Two friends. We understand that this is a bit different and I am pleased to say that our Year One children have behaved so sensibly with this change. Of course we know that this is a bit of a change so if you feel that your child is feeling a bit unsure about joining us on the playground then please remember that they are welcome to go into class as normal and meet up with their reception classmates.

We have also seen a change in the afternoons with our Year One children. The Year One children are involved in the Year One Topic of 'growing and food' and are doing a weekly visit to the other classes either on a Tuesday afternoon or a Thursday afternoon. This is to help with their transition to Year Two and last week was very successful. The children are given the opportunity to carry out lots of practical activities alongside the other Year One's and then experience an afternoon playtime. If this continues to prove successful then this time may increase to two afternoons a week, which would mean that all topic would be carried out with their fellow Year One peers. If you have any worries or would like any information about this transition then please speak to Miss Brind. This opportunity is being provided as a positive for your child and we would like to make this as pleasurable as possible. The transition will be tailored to your child so therefore please discuss any concerns with Miss Brind.

This week we started our topic by asking the children to think of questions that they would like to know the answers to.

Here are a few of the questions that the children wanted to know the answers to:

Do Ladybirds eat leaves?
How do Ladybirds see things?
Why do Ladybirds have spots?
Can Ladybirds fly?
Do all Ladybirds have spots?
Have Ladybirds got red wings?

The children have looked at information books, used our ICT tools such as 'Espresso' and 'Young Explorer' and also investigated Ladybirds in the sensory garden.

The children have made split-pin Ladybirds, painted, used their cutting skills to decorate spots on their ladybirds and written information packs.
We have used Ladybirds to help with 2 Mathematics topics this week. We have used ladybird spots to make number sentences and added the spots together. We have also used Ladybird spots to help with our understanding of 'Doubles'. The children are getting very good at doubles to 10 and some to 12. Ask your child over this bank holiday weekend to double the amount of grapes/skittles/Chocolate Buttons they have in a bowl.

In PE this week we have been thinking about throwing and catching. We have started with beanbags and have learnt to balance them before we think about how we catch them from the air. We have also had a think about where we need to be looking.
Over the Bank holiday (depending on the weather) take a trip to the park with a larger ball and practise catching with your child. Focus on what their hands and eyes are doing.

Here are a few of the things that we caught on camera this week:

 Andrejs used cubes to make a repeating pattern.
 Klaudia was able to write CVCC words in our Phonics session.
Beth was able to write CVCC words in our Phonics session.
Alicia used colours from our Ladybird topic in her pattern this week
Saksha used magnetic letters to form words independently
We hope that you have a good bank holiday weekend and we look forward to exploring our next topic next week.
Please don't forget that you are still welcome to visit on a Monday for a look in your child's celebration or magical moments book.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Growing! Birth-1 Year

Hello Ladybird parents.
This week, as ever we have had a very busy week.
We have been talking about Growing and have had a visit from 2 babies! 1 was from a 4 month old baby called James and his Mummy Kerry. The other was from a 9 month old called Ted and his Daddy Andy.
We have been thinking about how we have grown from a baby to 4, 5 and 6 year olds and what we can do now that we couldn't do when we were little. It has been lots of fun talking about baby bottles and milk, nappy changing and baby food, along with how old we were when we first started to crawl, walk and talk.
We have thought about what we look like now and have drawn portraits of ourselves, both in pencil and charcoal. We have also brought in a baby picture of ourselves and tried to guess which baby picture belonged to which of us in Ladybird's class. Some of them were so easy and many of us haven't changed a bit, but some of us have changed lots so it was harder to guess who is who.

Thank you all parents who have been to a parent's evening over the last week. Don't worry if you missed out! Miss Brind is still making appointments if you would like to come and discuss your child's progress with her.

In Numeracy this week we have been doing lots of measuring. We have measured the smaller things in the class using cubes and also measured the class using our footsteps. See if you can measure your lounge/bedroom or even your bathroom by placing one foot in front of the other and measuring how many footsteps wide or long your room is.
We have used lots of words to help us in our Numeracy this week including: long, short, wide, tall, small and narrow.

In Reception phonics this week we have been looking at some of the Phase 3 phonemes, along with Phase 2 and 3 tricky words along with writing them. We have also looked at sentences and using different words to replace the words in our sentences.

In Year 1 Phonics this week we have been looking at some of our Phase 3 sounds but using different spellings to spell the words. For example we have found out that there are 4 different ways of using 'I' in a word and one also that we haven't looked at. These include I, igh, ie and y, just leaving i-e as a split digraph that we will be looking at in a few weeks time.

In PE this week we have been looking at the story of Chicken Licken. This has helped us to create a basic dance that we can use when making the story. Next week your child will be bringing home a sticker chart and poster that you can use with your child to retell the story. Look out for this in your child's book bag next week- it will be great fun to use.

 This week has also seen the start of our mud kitchen. This is an outside kitchen that we can use to help us with our role play. We can cook, stir and mix the mud to follow recipes and add stones and sticks to our creations. Everybody in Ladybird class has been shown how to use the kitchen sensibly. We have added water to the mud to help us to make mud soups, but it does get a bit messy sometimes. We have been taught to roll up our sleeves and wash our hands after using the mud, but sometimes mud gets on our jumpers. We hope that you will support us in this fun way of learning as it helps the children to learn lots of new skills including:
imagination, improvisation, team work, good social skills and lots of opportunities to talk to both adults and our friends.

Here are a few pictures of what we have been doing this week:

 Eysan has been making tricky words out of the construction toys in the classroom
 Here is a picture of baby James with his mummy Kerry.
Charlie had good fun dressing up in all sorts of different
outfits this week.
Look at this creation.

Here is a picture of Ted. He showed us that he could hold
his bottle all on his own.
Ted is also learning to walk with a walker.
Ted was so quick he nearly ran over our toes.

We hope that you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to carrying on with the next part of our growing topic next week.